Which Course to Take?
Personal Growth Courses
On exploring the four courses offered here, you may be wondering which course is most appropriate for you to take. Here is a quick guide which may help.
If what is most important to you in life is to focus on light and love and you'd rather not focus on understanding and integrating the shadow aspects of life, we recommend the Inspiration Course. This course focuses purely on inspiring you to be the very best you can be.
If what is most important to you in life is uncovering what is going on hidden behind the scenes in our world and finding ways to help build a brighter future, we recommend the Hidden Knowledge Course. Though this course has some inspiring ideas, it is largely focused on the shadow realms, on educating you to the hidden realities of our world using the most reliable, verifiable sources available.
If what is most important to you in life is both understanding all that is going on behind the scenes in our world and exploring how you can invite more love and inspiration into your life and our world, we recommend the Insight Course. This course provides a rich balance of the shadow and the light aspects of our lives and world, allowing for powerful integration without any particular spiritual orientation.
If what is most important to you in life is both understanding the spiritual principles behind all that is going on and integrating the light and shadow both in your life and in our world, we recommend the Transformation Course. This is the spiritual version of the Insight Course. Everything is presented from a greater viewpoint of the collective consciousness of our world and how this plays a role in all that is unfolding. It is, by the way, our most popular course.
Explore a list of lesson titles with links for each free online course
If you have time for only one lesson, see this page for the one most highly praised. And thanks for taking the time to read about these free online courses. Whether or not you decide to explore further, we wish you a rich and empowering journey through life filled with ever expanding personal growth and wisdom.
These free online courses are part of the PEERS empowerment network
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
The personal growth course websites are part of the PEERS empowerment network
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"